







第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 (共5小题;每小题分,满分分)


例:How much is the shirt?

A.₤19.15.                 B.₤9.18.                    C.₤9.15.


1.How much does the man need?

A.15 dollars.               B.10 dollars.                 C.5 dollars.

2.What is the man trying to do?

A.Give first aid.            B.Do breathing exercises.       C.Relax himself.

3. What do we know about the man?

A.He owns a restaurant.      B.He is skilled in cooking.      C.He likes Italy.

4.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.A game.                 B.A play.                    C.A movie.

5.What does the man mean?

A.He will discuss the answers tomorrow.

B.He wants to review the test tonight.

C.He is waiting for the test tonight.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题分,满分分)


6.What's the woman?

A.A writer.                  B.An editor.                 C.A journalist.

7.What's Mr.Green's new book about?

A. An English figure.          B.Life in China.             C.A Chinese-related story.


8.What does the woman think of the new science teacher?

A.He is easy to get along with.

B.He is professional in teaching.

C.He loves to do some experiments.

9.How many science lessons does the woman have a week?

A.2.                      B.3.                       C.4.


10.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Husband and wife.         B.Boss and secretary.         C. Saleswoman and customer.

11.How did Mr.Wall come?

A.By ship.                  B.By train.                 C.By plane.

12.Who will Mr.Wall have supper with?

A.Miss Anna.               B.Mr.Lee.                  C.Mr. Ted.


13.When does the conversation take place?

A.On Friday.                B.On Saturday.              C.On Sunday.

14.What will the speakers do tomorrow?

A.Get a Christmas tree.        B.Buy some gifts for kids.     C.Visit Sam. 

15.Who is Sam most probably?

A. Aron's brother.            B.Aron's uncle.              C.Aron's friend.

16.What can we learn about Aron?

A.He is a student.            B.He studies hard.             is doing his homework.


17.What was the speaker driving to do?

A.Go to his office.B.Pick up his son. C.Go to the post office.

18.What did the speaker want to buy at a shop?

A.Drinks.B.Swimsuits. C.Fruits and bread.

19.What caused the speaker to stop his car 500 metres from the school?

A.A traffic jam.B.A flat tire. C. An engine failure.

20.How did the speaker feel at last?


第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题分,满分分)



Handelingenkamer Library,The Hague,Netherlands

The Handelingenkamer Library is also known as the Old Library of the Dutch Parliament. This beauty is topped with a glass round roof that allows light to come through the building's four stories. It was constructed at the close of the 19th century. In this historic library,richly decorative handrails(扶手)and .red beautiful iron balconies wind and curve around white towering shelves of books filled with reports of politicians' debates and bills. Every year many people come to visit it.

The Admont Abbey Library,Admont,Austria

The Admont Abbey Library in Admont,Austria,is the largest monastic(僧侣的)library in the world. Founded in 1776, the library is part of the oldest still-operating monastery in Austria and features a stunning white and gold Baroque style(巴洛克风格)interior.It attracts numerous visitors every year today. Besides, the library is home to more than 200,000 sacred texts.

Trinity College Old Library,Dublin,Ireland

The Old Library at Trinity College is not only one of the world's oldest libraries,but one of the most respected. Located in the centre of Dublin,the Library was constructed in 1712. It's a key attraction for tourists,many of whom purchase advance tickets to view The Book of Kells,a vellum manuscript(羊皮纸手稿)that dates back to the fourth century. Every day,a different page of the book is displayed to the public.

Tianjin Binhai Library,Tianjin,China

Unlike the other libraries on our list,this one is practically new. The Tianjin Binhai Library opened to the public in 2017 and was described by Time magazine as a“ziggurat”, with its white wavy bookshelves surrounding a round auditorium. The 363,000 square-foot building was designed by Dutch firm MVRDV and can hold 1.35 million books. Built in just three years,it's become quite a tourist attraction since it was finished.

21.What are the books in Handelingenkamer Library related to?

A. Money.           B.Politics.            C.History.           D.Economics.

22.Why do people buy advance tickets of Trinity College Old Library?

A.To visit the oldest library in the world.

B.To take a look at an original copy of a book.

C.To recite words on a piece of vellum paper.

D.To take a tour around the Trinity College.

23.What do the four libraries have in common?

A.They have a long history.                  B.They have white book shelves.

C.They're in the same continent.              D.They're tourist attractions.


I would mention a journey I made through France the summer after I graduated from college. I had just finished a seasonal job in Paris and was slowly making my way to Greece, where I was to live and teach for a year at Athens College. A business associate of my father's in Pontarlier,an industrial town near France's border with Switzerland,said that he was driving to join his family on the Mediterranean and would be happy to give me a lift.

I joined him in Pontarlier,and we climbed into his luxury Peugeot and set south for Marseille. This man—Mr.D.,I'll call him—was wealthy and fancied himself a connoisseur (鉴赏家)of great French food and wine. Like many Frenchmen,he also fancied himself something of a philosopher, and what could be better for a philosopher than a young, attentive,and captive listener?

So he idled(使闲着)us south,stretching what today could be a 10-hour highway drive into a multiple-day moveable feast by taking the most scenic and snail's-paced-country lanes, stopping at great restaurants whenever the mood struck him, which was often, and discoursing(讲述)lovingly and at length on everything from language to politics to women.

How could I complain?I was getting a ride to the Cote d'Azur—which danced all blue-green sea and sun-bright sand in my mind—in the air-conditioned comfort of an elegant Peugeot,and receiving a first-class education in French cuisine,and all for free!

I recall that journey now as a range of images—long,straight,tree-bordered roads and Van Gogh fields,Renoir afternoons of dappled(斑驳的)sunlight and shade,rocky restaurant balconies bordered with bright flowers,laughter and the clink of glasses and the music of French filling the air. I remember drinking a great deal of what seemed to my uneducated nose and mouth to be extraordinarily flavourful red wine.

Eventually we reached Marseille and parted company—both of us,I think,happy for the journey and for its end. In the following years,when summer arrives,I think of road trips.

24.What is the function of the first paragraph?

A.To introduce the topic of road trips.

B.To stress the author's preference for summer road trips.

C.To offer some basic information of a road trip.

D.To show the author's purpose of a special road trip.

25.What can we know about Mr.D.?

A.He has a great talent for doing business.

B.He considers himself an expert in a certain field.

C.He is rather wealthy and a good listener.

D.He is a philosopher fond of educating people.

26.How did the author feel about the trip?

A.Impressive and eye-opening.               B. Unforgettable but short.

C.Instructive and classic.                    D.Inspiring but tiring.

27.What does the author mean in the last sentence?

A.He missed Mr.D.very much.

B.He can't help associating road trips with summer.

C.He made road trips with his family every summer.

D.He planned road trips with Mr.D. in the following summers.


The first traffic lights in the United States were installed because of an increase in traveller on the road in the 1920s. Worried about accidents, towns and cities installed traffic towers to help the flow of cars. Officers manned the towers,using whistles and red,green and yellow lights to indicate to drivers when they should stop and go.

Due to the absence of effective traffic signal systems on some streets,it caused risks at intersections. Then, William Potts created the first tricolour,four-directional traffic signal. The very first four-directional traffic light was installed at Woodward Avenue and Fort. But throughout the country, there were still a lot of systems for traffic lights and patterns in place. Since this could end up causing more problems for drivers,the Federal Highway Administration set uniform standards in 1935for all road signs, pavement markings and traffic signals, requiring them to all use red,yellow and green light indicators.

Red is the colour with the longest wavelength; that means that as it travels through air molecules,it gets diffused(扩散)less than other colour, so it can be seen from a greater distance. Yellow has a shorter wavelength than red but a longer wavelength than green. This means that red is visible the furthest away,yellow in the middle and green the least distance away—a helpful advanced warning for needing to slow or stop. But this could be a coincidence. Red meaning stop originated with train warning lights,and it's not clear whether that was chosen based on wavelength,contrast against green nature or natural association of red with things like blood. It could be a combination of all three!

Back in the 1900s,some stop signs were yellow because it was too hard to see a red sign in a poorly lit area. Eventually, highly reflective materials were developed,and red stop signs were born. Since yellow can be seen well at all times of the day, school zones, some traffic signs and school buses continue to be painted the colour.

28.What's the purpose of installing traffic lights in the 1920s?

A.To increase the speed of cars.

B.To improve road safety and efficiency.

C.To reduce traffic jams in towns and cities.

D.To obey the standards of the government.

29.What does the underlined word"this"in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.The first tricolour,four-directional traffic signal.

B.The installation of the first traffic signal.

C.The existence of different traffic lights and patterns.

D.The absence of traffic signal systems.

30.What's the main idea of Paragraph 3?

A.The differences among the three colour.

B.The wavelength of the three colour.

C.The reasons for choosing red as the stop signal.

D.The relationship between red colour and its wavelength.

31.Which may be a disadvantage of red as a stop sign?

A.It can't be seen in the distance.

B.It is a kind of highly reflective colour.

C.It is not suitable to be used in school zones.

D.It can not be clearly seen in certain surroundings.


On a sunny day last August,Daniel Malechuk opened the door to a 77,000-square-foot warehouse just outside Atlanta.Inside,under the soft glow of LED lights,grew five varieties of hydroponic(水培的)lettuce with nine levels high. A handful of employees were busy harvesting the greens. Their pace matched Malechuk's ambition:to grow 10 million heads of lettuce by next spring.

If they succeed,Kalera,the vertical farming company that began operations here in April 2021,will not only have the largest-yield vertical(垂直的)farm in the Southeast,but will also be Georgia's largest lettuce producer.

"This facility will produce 12 times as much lettuce in one year as the entire state can produce in the same amount of time,"Malechuk said.These farms,not dependent on specific weather patterns, can grow almost anywhere, cutting down transportation costs and associated emissions. And importantly, they operate more cleanly,without producing runoff from fertilizers or pesticides.

Malechuk,of Kalera farms,has said making his greens affordable is a top priority and that a head of Kalera lettuce sells for less than $3 in most stores.

But there's a catch:indoor farms rely on the artificial light of tens of thousands of LED lights. Add to that the energy needed for climate control, water circulation and other operations,and a farm like Malechuk's can consume massive amounts of energy.

“The single largest challenge facing the industry is that it uses a huge amount of electricity," said Julia Kurnik, director of innovation startups at the World Wildlife Fund. She said vertical farming involves a series of economic and environmental trade-offs(权衡).“It may not make sense everywhere,but if you're in,say,the Middle East and you don't have much land,but you can use renewable energy to power your farm,this may be a huge boon (益处)."She said the source of the energy is crucial to determining the net environmental impact.

Lowering vertical farms' energy costs is one of the main goals at Signify,a Dutch LED lighting company,said Udo van Slooten,CEO of the Signify.

32.What may be a key factor for indoor farming?

A.Weather.          B.Location.           C.Energy.            D.Transportation.

33.What is an important goal of Malechuk?

A.To lower the electricity costs.

B.To make his greens cheaper.

C.To become the largest lettuce producer.

D.To protect the environment of the country.

34.What is Julia Kurnik's attitude to the vertical farming?

A.Supportive.        B.Objective.           C.Doubtful.          D.Uncaring.

35. Which can be the best title for the text?

A.Vertical Farms Are Finally Branching Out

B.Kalera Succeeded in Growing Lettuce Indoors

C.New Technologies Are Being Applied in Agriculture

D.The Largest Challenge Facing Vertical Farming

第二节 (共5小题;每小题分,满分分)


When someone hurts you,it can feel good to hang onto the anger and resentment(愤恨)that may bubble up after their actions. However,forgiving others can actually benefit you both mentally and physically.__36__Forgiving yourself for hurting someone else is another tough task. With a little bit of patience,you can learn to forgive yourself or others.

Forgiving is a willingness to move on from an injustice you went through.__37__While you can consciously decide to forgive someone,it may take some time to process your emotions and actually come to terms with your situation.

__38__You yourself value relationship with him or her,and believe that forgiving is worth it.Forgiveness is a decision that should be made thoughtfully,especially if someone did something seriously wrong. Take time to think through your feelings and your reasoning,to better understand the situation.

Avoid giving someone too many chances.__39__But if they are repeatedly and knowingly hurting you, or if they have done something extremely terrible,then you should consider protecting yourself. If someone has shown that they will mistreat you again and again, or that they are willing to do you serious harm,then you need to protect your own well-being.

Take the time to process your emotions. Sometimes,it takes a while to untangle(排解)all your feelings and figure out what to do. That's okay. Give yourself time and space to process. Helpful processing tools include:Write in a journal about it. Talk to a mentor or trusted person about the situation.__40__

A.Think of some reasons for forgiving yourself.

ider why you want to forgive this person.

C.You may choose to forgive someone once,twice,or three times.

D.Giving too many chances to people who hurt you is not a wise idea.

E.Spend some time focusing on something else,and come back later.

F.It can also help you move on from thinking about what the other person did.

G.Forgiving someone is a tough decision to make,and it doesn't happen instantly.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Sixteen-year-old Corion Evans made a daring rescue to save three teenage girls. The 16-year-old was hanging out with two__41__in a parking area near the Pascagoula River in July when a__42__with three teenage girls inside propelled off a boat ramp(斜坡)and into the river. It came to rest some 20 feet from land,then sank.Actually,the driver had__43__followed wrong directions from her GPS.

It was around 2:30 a.m.by the time Evans and brothers Karon and Caleb got to the river's  __44__.In the darkness,they could barely__45__the girls holding onto the roof,the only part of the car still,__46__,above water. But they could hear__47__.

Evans took off his shirt and__48__,threw his phone down,then__49__into the water, a river he knew alligators(短吻鳄)called home. He helped the first girl he saw and,__50__ her head above water,led her ashore.

Just then,Police Officer Garry Mercer__51__. He dived into the river to help another of the  __52__. But halfway back to shore, she __53__and went underwater,pulling Mercer down with her.

Evans jumped back in the water and helped them get to the shore until they could stand. "If he hadn't been there,who knows?"Mercer told the Washington Post.

There was still one girl in the water. CoraWatson,19,could not swim. She was gulping (吞)water,__54__, struggling to stay afloat."I heard Cora screaming' Help!'and I thought she was done for,"Caleb told WLOX in Biloxi.Then,a jolt.“Corion had grabbed her.”The three girls and Officer Mercer were taken to the hospital and released. They're alive because Corion Evans __55__ his life to save them.

41.A.friends 42.A.truck 43.A.blindly 44.A.area

45.A.make out






B.shout to

B.obviously B.quarreling B.sweater












C.calm down





C.keeping C.recovered C.rescuers

C.fainted C.abandoned


D.students D.motorbike D.foolishly


D.turn down






D.arrived D.passengers D.emerged




第二节 (共10小题;每小题分,满分15分)


Although the impact of climate change on the world's oceans was the biggest marine story in 2022,plenty of other__56__ (amaze)saltwater milestones deserve attention. Scientists found that the largest plant in the world is a seagrass. Researchers also added a piece to the puzzle of one of the world's most mysterious animal migrations and__57__(witness) the record impact of an underwater eruption. The impacts of climate change on oceans aren't just__58__drop in the bucket(桶).Our seas are becoming__59__(warm)and more acidic—and melting sea ice is leading to global sea level rise. At the United Nations Climate Change Conference,or COP27,__60__(hold) this November in Egypt,many ocean problems and some possible__61__(solution)came into focus.

Scientists announced that summers with no Arctic Ocean sea ice are pretty much a guarantee, no matter the efforts made to reduce carbon in__62__ (we)atmosphere. This means new shipping paths will be reliably open,but it also means that species that thrive(茁壮成长)on sea ice will have to adapt__63__(significant)and may suffer.Despite reports that highlighted the negative impacts of a warming climate on the ocean,hope was__64__the menu at the conference as well. The United States and Norway launched a Green Shipping Challenge,__65__encourages governments, ports and companies to transform the industry via sustainable methods and green technologies.

第四部分  写作(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节 (满分15分)












第二节 (满分25分)


The Joy of Giving

Someone once said,“To help the poor is to help yourself.”Perhaps, that person meant that helping those in need will later result in internal satisfaction. I usually never do community service before,but when I heard the opportunity to join my school's service club, Interact,I put up my hand without hesitation. The opportunity to help people in need excited me and as I signed up to attend Saint Mary's Food Bank,the urge of helping people made my body tremble.

As I walked after school to Mrs. Green,I could feel the palms(手掌)of my hands becoming wet by the minute. The water of my nerves ran down the side of my head and I could feel the tip of my shirt soaking(湿透)with fresh sweat. The clock ticked and I could feel the time of going to Saint Mary's Food Bank getting closer. Ten minutes later the bus arrived-and we were on our way to the bank.On the way many things came through my mind. What was it going to look like? Will there be homeless people there,and will I enjoy my experience?

As I continued to explore my mind,the bus came to a stop."We're here,"said loudly the bus driver. I could feel the palms of my hands beginning to moisturize(变潮湿)once again. As I got off the bus, I fell into a deep doubt. This was the food bank? I had never seen anything like it. To my amazement,it reminded me of a place I would go in Mexico to feed the poor. It was brown,wide and had an old look to it. As we entered the bank as a group, the essence of it was very comfortable. I felt like I was home.Finally my nerves were gone,and I was ready to work. Before we started working,we were given instructions. But as soon as we finished our tour of instructions,the duty of service began.



































1~5  CABCB  6~10  CCBAB  11~15  CBBBC  16~20  ABCAC


21.B  细节理解题。根据Handelingenkamer Library的最后一句"In this historic library,richly decorative handrails and red beautiful iron balconies wind and curve around white towering shelves of books filled with reports of politicians' debates and bills."可知,该图书馆收藏了写满了政治家的评论和议案的报告的图书。本题容易误选C选项,historic意为“有历史意义的”,不是“和历史有关的”,故这里没有提到历史图书,排除C选项。

22.B  细节理解题。根据Trinity College Old Library 的“It's a key attraction for tourists, many of whom purchase advance tickets to view the Book of Kells, a vellum manuscript that dates back to the fourth century."可知,许多人购买预售票是为了瞻仰《凯尔经》,这是一本羊皮纸的手抄本。

23.D  推理判断题。根据全文可知,这四座图书馆的共同点就是它们都成了旅游景点。


24.C  推理判断题,根据文章的第一段内容可知,第一段主要讲述了作者搭乘父亲的商业伙伴的汽车的一些基础信息。本题容易误选D,第一段不只说明了“我”此行的目的,还交代了父亲的这位朋友的决定顺路开始送“我”的一些信息,选项D的概括不够全面,故排除。

25.B  细节理解题。根据文章的第二段的"This man—Mr. D., I'll call him—was wealthy and fancied himself a connoisseur of great French food and wine."可知,Mr.D.自认为是一个伟大的法国菜肴和葡萄酒的鉴赏家。

26.A  推理判断题。根据文章第四段“I was getting a ride to the Cote d' Azur—which danced all blue-green sea and sun-bright sand in my mind——in the air-conditioned comfort of a elegant Peugeot, and receiving a first-class education in French cuisine, and all for free!"可知,“我”看到了Cote d’ Azur的阳光沙滩,品尝了一流的法国菜,全部免费。作者是印象深刻并且大开眼界的。

27.B  细节理解题,根据文章的最后一句和全文内容可知,"我"因为对这段旅行留下了很深的印象,所以在后来的日子里“我”总是忍不住把公路旅行和夏天联系在一起。其他选项在文章中没有留下线索,“我”对 Mr. D.的喋喋不休,在内心是有点不高兴的,所以不大可能想要和他继续旅行。


28.B  推理判断题。根据文章的第一段可知,20世纪20年代之所以出现信号灯,是为了公路的安全和通行效率。本题容易误选C"降低交通阻塞",没有提到"安全"方面的问题,概括不够全面。

29.C 词义猜测题。根据文章的第二段的“But throughout the country, there were still a lot of systems for traffic lights and patterns in place. Since this could end up causing more problems for drivers,”可知,不同的交通信号灯和模式的存在是可能导致更多问题的。

30.C  段落大意题。根据文章的第三段的内容可知,该段主要介绍的是选择红色作为"停止信号"的原因。

31.D  细节理解题。根据文章的最后一段的第一句“Back in the 1900s, some stop signs were yellow because it was too hard to see a red sign in a poorly lit area.”可知,红色的信号灯在昏暗的地方很难看到。


32.C  细节理解题。根据文章的第一段和第五段可知,室内农业的关键因素是需要LED的光照,需要 energy,也就是“能源”的问题。

33.B  细节理解题。根据文章的第四段"Malechuk,of Kalera farms, has said making his greens affordable is a top priority and that a head of Kalera lettuce sells for less than $3 in most stores.”可知,Malechuk 的一个重要目标是使他的蔬菜能让大家买得起。

34.B  推理判断题。根据文章的第六段可知,Julia Kurnik介绍了垂直农业的优点和缺点,缺点是太费电,而优点是在土地贫乏而可再生能源充足的地区非常适用,故其观点是客观的。

35.A 标题归纳题。根据文章的全文内容可知,文章主要介绍的是室内的垂直农业。其他选项则过于片面。


36.F  考查上下文逻辑推理。根据第一段的第二句“However,forgiving others can actually benefit you both mentally and physically.(然而,原谅别人确实能够对你的身心都有好处。)"可知,F选项"It can also help you move on from thinking about what the other persondid.(它也能够帮助你从考虑别人的所作所为的愁绪里面走出来)"符合上下文语境。本题容易错选G选项,虽然G选项的"tough"与空格后的"tough"能形成呼应关系,但是在句意的衔接上十分生硬。

37.G  考查上下文逻辑推理。根据空格后的"While yu can consciously decide to forgive someone,it may take some time to process your emotions and actually come to terms with your situation.”可知,后面这一句里面的"take some time"与G选项的"doesn't happen instantly"相互对照,形成了上下文句意的衔接。

38.B  考查主题句。本段主要在谈你之所以要原谅他或她的原因,故B选项"Consider why you want to forgive this person.(考虑一下你为什么要原谅这个人)”符合语境。

39.C  考查上下文逻辑推理。根据第四段第一句“Avoid giving someone too many chances.(避免给某人过多的机会。)"可知,C选项"You may choose to forgive someone once,twice,or three times(你可能选择原谅某人一次、两次或者三次。)"符合语境,且空格后的一句话与其能形成转折关系,本题容易误选D选项,根据下一句的"But"可知,空格后面的句子与D选项并不能形成转折关系,故排除。

40.E 考查上下文逻辑推理。根据空格前的"Helpful processing tools include(有帮助的处理方法包括)"可知,E 选项"Spend some time focusing on something else,and come back later.(花一些时间关注其他的事情,以后再回来。)"也是一种有效的处理方法,符合语境。

【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了16岁的Corion Evans勇敢救人的故事。

41.B  考查名词词义辨析。根据第二段的第一句“It was around 2:30 a.m. by the time Evans and brothers Karon and Caleb got to the river's  44  .”的提示可知,Corion Evans正和自己的两个兄弟在一起。

42.C  考查名词词义辨析。根据第二段的第二句里面的"the only part of the car still"可知,这里应该选car。

43.A  考查副词词义辨析。blindly意为“摸黑地;盲目地”,在这里一语双关,既有“在黑暗中”的本义,也有“盲目地”的引申义。句意:实际上,司机在黑暗中盲目地跟着她的GPS的错误指引。

44.D  考查名词词义辨析。edge意为“边缘”。句意:等Evans和他的兄弟Karon和Caleb到达河边的时候,已经是凌晨2点30分。

45.A  考查动词短语词义辨析。make out意为“辨认出”。句意:在黑暗中,他们只能勉强辨认出女孩们紧紧抓住车顶。这是汽车仅存的依然还勉强保持在水面之上的部分。

46.C  考查副词词义辨析。barely意为"刚刚;勉强"。

47.C  考查动词词义辨析。scream意为"尖叫;惊呼"。句意:但是他们可以听到尖叫声。

48.A  考查名词词义辨析。shoe意为“鞋子”。根据常识可以知道,如果需要下河救人,应该首先脱掉上衣和鞋子。句意:Evans脱掉了上衣和鞋子,扔掉手机……

49.B  考查动词词义辨析。dive意为“跳人”。救人需要抓紧时间,所以应该是跳入河中。句意:……然后他跳入河中,一条他知道短吻鳄视之为家的河流。

50.C  考查动词词义辨析。keep her head above water意为"让她的头保持在水而之上",句意:他救了所看到的第一个女孩,让她的头保持在水面之上,带她来到岸上。

51.D  考查动词词义辨析。arrive意为“到达”。句意:那个时候,警官Garry Mercer赶到了。

52.D  考查名词词义辨析。passenger意为“乘客”。因为落水的是一辆汽车,故车上的人也可以称为乘客。句意:他跳入水中去帮助乘客里面的另外一个。

53.B 考查动词词义辨析。panic意为“惊慌失措”。本题容易误选struggle,strugle意为“挣扎脱身”,而事实上她把警官也一起拉下水底了,故排除struggle。

54.D  考查形容词词义辨析。scared意为"惊恐的;害怕的"。句意:她在吞水,惊恐万状,挣扎着想要浮上来。55.C  考查动词词义辨析。risk one's life意为"冒着生命危险"。句意:他们还活着,是因为Corion Evans 冒着生命危险拯救了他们。


56.amazing  考查形容词。修饰名词 milestones 用形容词,amazing“令人震惊的”。

57.witnessed  考查时态。本句话中关键词 and以及谓语动词added可知本空用动词过去式witnessed。

58.a  考查冠词。本句中drop是名词“一滴水”,故用a来修饰,句意:气候变化对海洋的影响不仅仅是水桶里的一滴水(这么小)。

59.warner 考查比较级。根据 more acidic 以及本句中的 and可知本空也用形容词的比较级形式,故填warmer。

60.held  考查非谓语动词。the United Nations Climate Change Conference,or COP27和hold"举行"之间是被动关系,故本空用过去分词形式held。

61.solutions 考查名词复数。some修饰可数名词的复数形式,故填 solution的复数 solutions“解决办法”。

62.our  考查代词。atmosphere前面应该用形容词性物主代词。

63.significantly 考查副词。修饰动词adapt用副词形式 significantly"明显地,显著地"。

64.on 考查介词。on the menu意为"在菜单上",这里 hope was on the menu引申为"希望也是可以被看到的",故本空填介词on。

65.which 考查定语从句。本句是逗号隔开的非限制性定语从句,先行词为aGreen Shipping Challenge,引导词在句中作主语,故用which引导。句意:美国和挪威发起了“绿色航运挑战”,鼓励政府、港口和公司通过可持续方法和绿色技术改造行业。第一节

One possible version:

A Chinese Traditional Painting Contest for Exchange Students

Last week witnessed a Chinese traditional painting contest among foreign exchange students in our school. More than 50 candidates actively participated and submitted their remarkable entries,including landscape painting and flower and bird painting works. After a careful selection process,20 outstanding works were awarded for their innovative patterns and fantastic skills,which are now on display on the school website.

The contest turns out to be a big hit. Not only does it provide a platform for exchange students to showcase their talent but also it further stimulates their eagerness to deepen their understanding of Chinese traditional culture.

【第一节  应用文写作评分标准】












One possible version:

We were all divided into groups and given a specific job. I was assigned to place beans into a box. As a group we worked fast, the boxes would move and move so fast that sometimes I would have to ask for help. The warm-hearted workmates encouraged me to make every effort. Although I might have broken a nail, the feeling of knowing that I was doing something for someone out there made me fulfilled. And I realized that the true meaning of community service was making a difference in someone's life.

Community service can bring out the best of everyone. It provides the feeling of accomplishment and internal satisfaction. My parents and grandparents always tell me,“It is better to give,than to receive.”These quotes are true. I thought they were just saying it, until I finally realized that it made sense. I told my family the experience about community service after getting home. They were all proud of me and encouraged me to continue it in the following days. Some of my friends also joined the schools service club because of my influence.

【第二节  读后续写评分标准】













(Text 1)

M: Mum, I ran out of money,

W:How much do you want?10 dollars?

M:No,a half would be OK.

(Text 2)

W: Try to start his breathing again, or he will die in five minutes.

M: Well, how can I start his breathing?

W:By using the mouth-to-mouth method.

(Text 3)

W:The dishes you cooked were so tasty.Your cooking is amazing.

M:I have experience in cooking by working in an Italian restaurant.

 (Text 4)

W: I just watched Ready Player One. I really admire its imagination and special effects of these game players.

M:It is not a new movie. But lots of people are waiting for its Ready Player Two. It would be a Hollywood hit,I think.

(Text 5)

W: I don't feel like reviewing the test tonight. How about putting it off till tomorrow?

M: You can't do this. I'm expecting someone to discuss answers with me. Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

(Text 6)

W: How do you do, Mr. Green? I'm a reporter from China Daily. I hear you are going to visit China. Do you mind if I ask you some questions?

M:No,but not too many.I'm rather busy now.

W:OK. How long are you going to stay there?

M: About two months, I think.

W: Could you tell me something about your new book?

M: It's about a story related to a Chinese figure living in England.

 (Text 7)

M: I heard you guys got a new science teacher?

W:Yeah,you are right. He is a handsome young man called Peter.

M: What do you think of his lesson?

W:His lecture is clear and easy to understand. He is professional and we all expect him to show us some amazing experiments. It's a pity that we only have 8 lessons in a month.

M:Oh,that sounds few.We have 3 each week.

W: We like science and Peter. So we are asking school to schedule more science lessons for us next term.

(Text 8)

M:Hi.This is Ted Harris.

W:Hi. It's Anna Shaw.

M:How are things going?


M:I'm ringing about Mr.Wall's visit.Has he arrived?

W:Yes.He arrived this morning. I had Tom pick him up at the airport.

M:OK. Have you showed him around the company?

W: Yes. I have done that an hour ago. Now he is meeting with the marketing manager.

M:That's good. How about his meeting with the planning manager?

W:I arranged it just a minute ago. Mr.Lee will have supper with Mr. Wall at about 7 p. m.

M:Fine. I'm at the train station now. I will come to the company as soon as I can.


(Text 9)

W: David, we shouldn't just sit here doing nothing.

M:Why not.It's Saturday afternoon,isn't it?

W:Yes,but the Christmas is next Sunday and we have many things to do. Would you go to the supermarket to choose some presents for kids?

M:We can do it tomorrow.

W: So what should we do toady?

M: Ah. Well, shall we go to the mountain nearby and get a Christmas tree?

W: That's a good idea.Talking about getting Christmas tree-where's Aron?

M:He went to visit Sam.

W: What! Again? He visited Sam yesterday afternoon too.

M: He should be back soon.

W. He shouldn't be so close to Sam. They often get together playing video games. He is supposed to do some homework,or his school performance will suffer.

M:OK. I would call him immediately to let him get back.

 (Text 10)

M: I was driving along the road to fetch my son from school. We were going to swim together. I finished working at about 4 o'clock and then went to the post office. Then I stopped off at a shop for some fruits and bread. We liked to have some fruits and bread to eat after our swim. When I was about 500 metres from the school,the cars in front of me stopped moving.I knew something bad must have happened. Many people were talking and discussing. I was a little upset. I pulled upand got out of the car.I walked about 200 metres and learned that a truck had a flat tire and crashed into several cars. Policemen were there. At the same time, two ambulances were there. Fortunately, no one got seriously injured. Two slightly injured drivers were sent to hospital quickly. It didn't take long before the cars continue to flow.





